During the Hasta Alaska project, I traveled overland through South America for 12 incredible months. I had no idea what I was doing, and every bit of it scared me half to death.
When you read about some of the stuff that happened, you’ll understand why!
A lot happened during that first year in South America. MURDER, CORRUPTION, GUERRILLA ACTIVITY, ROBBERIES, LOVE, ANGER, DISASTER, incredible things that had previously only existed in my imagination. I wrote it all down, scribbling away to someday share it with you. That day is today!
The earliest stages of the Hasta Alaska expedition were never documented in great detail on our YouTube Channel, and that year in South America contained some of the most dramatic chapters of this story. Now, they are available to read about in this entertaining and inspirational true story.
More twists and turns than a South American highway

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Tomaz (verified owner) –
Interesting reading. Could easily be three times longer (and more detailed) because I loved every word of it.
Soul (verified owner) –
Such an ADVENTURE!!!! So great to read about it – and lots of pictures I haven’t seen before. Great job. Will there be a part 2? I’ll be waiting
Marco –
i discovered your chanel a few months ago and i watched all your videos, i couldn’t have enough. So i decided to buy all your books too, first to help you with financing your projects and second because i’m also dreaming to travel with my old Mercedes Benz 508D for longer journies, unfortunately i think i’ll not able to stay away more than a year, because i’ve a healthy issu that force me to check ups every 6 months but maybe i can delay a little.
Sure your way of traveling could be a little bit to adventurouse for me but i really would like to start in my life 2.0.
Kent Hall (verified owner) –
A wonderfully insightful story that has inspired and helped encourage me to want to break out of living a monotonous life!
Simon Aeby (verified owner) –
You are a great inspiration for our overland/expedition vehicle trip on the Panamericana (opposite direction – North – South) starting next year! Loved to be part of your South American travel experiences, thanks for sharing them with us and your readers / viewers. We are very curious on your around the world experiences and it would be a great pleasure to maybe meet some time.
Jim –
This book belongs in every airport book store half way between the travel and self improvement sections.
Ben shares a very personal account of the high’s and low’s experienced whilst travelling on a budget. He has put a unique spin on adventure and exploration and achieves his goal of inspiration with ease.
Suzannah –
Outstanding adventure, and very well-documented. The way it was written made me more and more excited for my own travel plans in the future. This was a great companion piece to the existing youtube content, and I hope to see more of Ben’s writing soon. I’m crossing my fingers that he writes about his experiences traveling through the Darien Gap!
Jonathan (verified owner) –
So fell in love with Westfalia’s to discover this amazing aventure. Watched all YouTube videos and loved every minute of it. Needed some more so I read this book faster then I ever read any book lol. Now I have my own Kombi and am starting my own aventures. Feel like I now the crew. Looking forward to the next aventure. Sending love from Canada good luck to you Ben lea and my favourite Alaska cheers
Mohammed (verified owner) –
Loved it. Can’t wait for more.
Greg Jackson (verified owner) –
I thought it was great. The only complaint is that it too short. 🙂
J Russell Langwig (verified owner) –
I loved it. A fascinating easy read with lots of photos. Totally worthwhile.
Doug Rice –
A real fun read, Ben. What an adventure! Being an original owner of a ‘85 Westy and now retired (65), I’m ready to head to Baja. My only sadness about your story is people will go away thinking VW’s break down a ton so there’s no way they’d select a VW to do their adventures in. I owned a ‘71 VW Sportsmobile for a decade & the Vanagon for 33yrs. The ‘85 has never left me stranded (kiss of bad luck? Lol). I love it.
Can’t wait for future writings & adventures. Got a VW California lined up?
Jonathan (verified owner) –
I think the book was very interesting, and I would like to see more in the future! But I have one question… Did you just leave the dog, or did you give it away? I’m just curious. But great book, I it was good, and a pretty fun idea. I would like to try that in my life. But I live in EUz and VW T1-3 models aren’t cheap. But great book again! 😀
Rushabh Ingle (verified owner) –
Though I’m a big fan of kombi life and plan to pursue something like him in near future, the book is a very short description of an entire continent travel. Waiting for a more elaborate description of the entire trip in future updates. Keep adding stuff to book and keep exploring.
Kombi Life (verified owner) –
We’re planning to create more written material for you covering the entire PanAmerican adventure – this narrative covers the stories and scenes that happened whilst the cameras weren’t rolling in South America. For now concentrating on completing the Video series, which is free to watch – thanks for supporting our content.
Don Brush –
An excellent read detailing behind-the-scenes adventures that compliment the YouTube series. Very well written… informative, inspirational, humorous, and interesting. The South America adventure drive is amazing and it was so enjoyable finding out more about how it all happened. Keep it up gang, love it!
Jen (verified owner) –
Dude! Super exciting story! Thank you so much for documenting your travels. I’ve watched every video you’ve posted and I’m anxious for more. Awesome stuff!
Philippe Beaulieu (verified owner) –
Amazing people and experiences! You make me feel like I’m there with you all.
sean (verified owner) –
A great introduction to their adventure. Inspirational. An easy short read.
Hugo T (verified owner) –
Highly recommended. The book is a detailed compilation of landscape and travel adventure like no other.
Bert (verified owner) –
Great source of information! I hope to see more coming in the future.
PJ (verified owner) –
A great read for anyone planning (or not!) his own south-american adventures! Almost too short 🙂
Dan (verified owner) –
Loved the behind the scenes photos! Looking forward to more like this!!!
Giles Larsson (verified owner) –
It’s so great to see so many unseen photos from your adventures in South America and what a story to go with them. The book was a fantastic idea, please write more.
David (verified owner) –
excellent read on the trials and tribulations of overlanding not just you but an entire team of free spirits. I love it and hope you write another one for Latin America and North America also
Nicole (verified owner) –
It’s so cool to find out even more about this incredible adventure. I really enjoy the book. I can only hope there will be more, many more 🙂
JK –
You should print this book! – This is was a great read, and so many awesome photos too. Glad I donated for it and I encourage people to do the same. PLEASE WRITE MORE.
Ryan (verified owner) –
I haven’t read the whole thing yet, but since it was written by epic travel adventurers Ben and Leah then I can almost guarantee it kicks ass. At this point the only thing I don’t like about it is that I’m not in it. Maybe if we cross paths someday and I’ll make book #2. ; ) Travel bold world surfers. : )
Angelo –
Loved it!
Tom Summers –
Yes, I’ll admit to being biased. It would be hard to find a better written story of a first person tale of a guy living his adventurous dream and figuring out how to perpetuate it. My bias is enhensed by the fact that Ben’s dream is so close to my own. As a long time VW bus owner, who has also traveled extensively in North America, but who also has aspirations of doing it in Central and South America, Ben and his various and eclectic crew, make me very envious indeed. If you are hunkered down in the Northern Hemisphere waiting for longe days, this is the read you need . If you are enjoying the good times in the Southern Hemisphere, this is a tale that will get you out into the world of adventure traveling, if not in reality then vicariously. Ben, Leah and Alaska, the Peruvian cocker spaniel, as well as all of the various Hasta Alaska crew, are having so much fun on so little dosh, that one cannot help but be fascinated with this saga, and perhaps be motivated to embark on one of their own.
Tom S. Dec 21. Imperial Beach, California.
BigSweetDaddyLiscious –
Tamas Langley –
The YouTube content was fun and well put together, and this book proved equall to the task. Well done on a really enjoyable read. Cant wait for more of the same. Get writing guys!!!
Koen –
Enjoyed reading it!
John (verified owner) –
A great read and an inspiration to anyone to just go. I can’t wait for the next adventure to be written.
Chris –
More great content to complement the YouTube series, highly recommend both!
Geoff –
A great addition to the existing YouTUBE series, fascinating to read about your travels – I hope you write more soon.
Kombi Life –
Best Overlanding Adventure book we’ve ever written 😉