Are We Welcome in America – Hasta Alaska – S04E01
Are we welcome in America? As we approached San Diego, California that was the question on our mind!
In this episode of Hasta Alaska we discover how we are welcomed by the American people in Ocean Beach, San Diego and the “reverse culture shock” that we experienced re-entering the English speaking world after 2.5 years crossing Latin America.
In this episode you can join us for our first steps on American soil. For the Kombi Crew, this time represents a big change, can we adapt to the pace of Californian life…
Our Welcome in America

Not long after we arrived into San Diego, the local news were keen to catch up with the Kombi Crew after the long journey through Latin America.

After being in South and Central America for 3 years we weren’t expecting to have reverse-culture shock when we arrived in the USA. We couldn’t get over the smooth roads, craft beers and oversized sandwiches.

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