Baja California Road Trip – Hasta Alaska – S04E07
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A Baja California Road Trip – The Ultimate Adventure
Nothing divides opinions quicker than the prospect of a Baja California road trip. Well, OK, maybe certain US elections – but you’re not hear to talk about that 🙂 The fact is that there are just as many people in love with this land as there are who fear it. It strikes me as almost unbelievable to think that just 50 miles south of the US border lies a land of limitless adventure and unparalleled freedom, so I guess that shows you which side of the fence I stand.
It’s the isolated locations, foreign culture and lack of rules and regulations which make a Baja California road trip so appealing to many so what discourages the other half of the population from venturing south?
Well, it’s the high-profile cases of crime and stories of bandits at every turn which allow fear to enter the minds of many and it’s that fear, if which given time to take hold, can stop you from having the adventure of a life time.
We totally recommend that you take the time to visit Baja California, if at all possible we recommend that you do it by overlanding the road from Tijuana to Cabo San Lucas – you never know what you might discover on your Baja 1000 adventure.

About This Episode of Hasta Alaska
*HINT – You can access the other episodes from our travel series by clicking the button in the top left corner of the video
This is the 2nd part of the Baja Diaries, where we share with you our experience from our 4 month Baja California Road Trip. In this episode we trek deep into the Baja California desert and have one of the best cultural experiences in all of our travels at an Off Grid Organic Oyster Farm.
These videos are designed to give you the opportunity to visit these lands without the necessity of leaving home. Hopefully they will inspire you to make your own adventure in Baja, and if not, at least they will show you what you are missing.
The feedback we’ve had from those who have watched our 3-part Baja California Travel series is one of excitement and awe. Baja is being added to peoples buck lists all across the world. Those who had visited years earlier are reminded of fond memories from previous adventure. And really this is the point; a Baja California Road Trip, in our opinion, will give you memories that are uniquely unforgettable and so very different to anything you could experience north of the border!
Have you been to Baja California?
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